26th march, 2012

after many weeks of patiently waiting, we are just starting to see our first silkie hatchlings appear. sunday morning I spotted a tiny beak emerging from a small hole in the side of an egg, and couple hours later I just had to checkin on progress and discovered our first baby. Feeling like a proud mom!

this is an awesome new experience for my family, especially seeing the glint of excitement in the kids faces. So hubbie and myself spent the following day airing, cleaning and re-position chook pen, giving it a northerly aspect. the rooster has been banished from pen till further notice, as I did discovered a discarded crushed egg with a wee chick that hadn't quite entered this world..very sad.

have spotted more hairline cracks, which I have been informed is the first stage to eggs hatching. another beak cracking its way free spotted today, so by the end of the day - no. 2 will emerge.

perfect timing for easter!!

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